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tanîsi cuzzins,

For the past three years, I’ve thought of July 1 not as ‘Canada’ Day, but as Land Back Day.

That was the day when I learned that the sale had gone through on a home and some land in Treaty six territory. For me, it was a small form of Land Back, albeit one that I had to pay for. Getting more opportunities to spend more time on the lands of my ancestors, near my reserve and my extended family helped me feel more connected to who I am.

Now, as the publisher of IndigiNews, I’m able to play a larger role in advancing Land Back by telling the stories of Land Defenders and reporting on the truths that colonial institutions try to keep hidden.

This is a reader-supported publication, so we truly wouldn’t be here without all the cuzzins who have generously contributed to our work. hiy hiy.

While we do apply for grants, we can’t always rely on those same colonial institutions to sustain our work – like when we and our Indigenous reporters were left in limbo while the ‘Federal’ Government decided whether or not to renew the Local Journalism Initiative funding.

That’s why we need our cuzzins (including you!) to support our storytelling. By making a contribution, you are helping place power back in the hands of Indigenous leaders like myself. You are trusting us to tell the stories that are important to us, which allows us to do so with the respect we deserve. And you are supporting one of the very few newsrooms that are led by Indigenous women. 

Last week, we launched our summer fundraising campaign. 16 of you have pitched in, helping us get to 6% of our goal already. Will you help us get closer to 100%?

Yes! I support IndigiNews!

hiy hiy,

Aunty Eden
Publisher, IndigiNews

IndigiNews, 213 – 1130 Sun Peaks Road, Sun Peaks, BC V0E5N0, Canada

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